
We have been learning about Icebergs and we had some Iceberg activities and these are one that I made. This activity is where we have to make what Icebergs are we learned about Icebergs after we learned about Glaciers. That’s all I hope you learned something new today..!


This week we have been learning about Glaciers. We made a story about a character or us freezing in an ice. And we had to make a Glaciers DLO and we had to add a map and mark where the Glaciers are. This is what I made. Hope you learned something new.

Pokemon card

We did some poisonous animals. We read a book about poisonous animals and an article after we did all those things we got to make a poisonous animal card and this is what I made. His name is Dvalin and as you can see he can make a poisonous tornado and he can also make a poisonous rain. That’s all I hope you like it.

Netflix episodes

On Monday we made some Netflix episodes and this is what I made. This is a  story about a traveller who has lost his twin sister. It took me about two days to make this and… I don’t really know what to say about it I’m proud of myself for making this. Do YOU like it?

Whale Inevition

This is my whale helper invention. We did some whale activities and this is what I made this machine helps stranded whales the machine picks them up and puts them back in the deep water this machine is very strong so it can carry the whale. It is also bigger than the whale so that means the machine is gigantic. The machine is water proof so it can go deep in the ocean so that they can save the whales it can also walk on two legs while the machine carries the whale.

Panama facts

This week we have been learning about the FIFA Women’s World Cup. We had to choose a country that is competing at the World Cup to research. I am interested in Panama so that was the country I chose. I completed a D. L. O on Panama which I have shared. Who do you think is going to win the World Cup ?