Polar Bear Life

I wake up from my sleep and I start to roll the stone protecting my lair and I sniff the air to know if it’s safe. My cubs come out of the lair and it’s their first time out. We started to walk and from time to time, we had to stop walking to rest a little while. We continued walking until we finally reached our destination. As gently as we could, we got on the ice and waited for a seal. A seal finally came out and I attacked it effortlessly, I gave some food to my cubs and ate some myself. Then we repeated the process all over again until we were full. We went back to the surface tomorrow again, we will do it. 


Then I teach my kids how to navigate the sea ice, when to return to land and how to avoid male polar bears because the male will prey upon my young ones. Today, we will travel to find a different area to sleep in and where there is more food. We had to rest so we went to a nearby cave and while they rested on me I lovingly licked their fur as they rested. After a few hours of resting we get up and start to walk again. My cubs started to get hungry again so we went to the nearby water and we gently got on the ice and waited for a seal. Once a seal came out I effortlessly attacked it. I gave some food to my cubs and gave only a little to myself.


We continued moving. I sensed something was not right so led my cubs somewhere safe and hid. I peeked out a tiny hole left and I saw an arctic fox fell into snow and drowned. We get out safely and go another way. My cubs and I find a new place to stay and since it was nearly nightfall we settle down and go to sleep.


We have been learning about arrays this week and we had to do a project and we had to choose a buddy. I chose Silvia and this is what we made. I hope you like it!

Red panda

Somewhere around my neighbourhood I was walking around the woods, until something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. Looking around I saw nothing, but I was sure I saw something… It was around 1 pm and I had to go home at around 4 pm. I needed to double check so I checked once more and there it was. It was a red panda, it was running with great speed, its fur was reddish-orangey and on its feet halfway through its body was black and its ear was as white as snow. I stared at it in awe. After it stopped running it looked at me cutely. I thought to myself 

“Perhaps it’s tired” 

Without a doubt, I took food out of my bag and offered it to the red panda. The red panda took it and ate it. I tried to pet the red panda but I disturbed it and it ran away. I’ve never seen a red panda before, and I had the urge to chase after the red panda.. So I did… After a while of running it finally stopped in a beautiful area with lots of red pandas. I was in awe.I checked the time and it was already 3:46 pm. I had to go now my parents would be pretty worried about me so I left.


This week we have been working on places that are important to us! Then after doing all the stuff we got to make a poster and I chose the Philippines because that’s where I’m from. This is the poster I made. I hope you like it!

Matariki Animation

Since Matariki is coming up on June 28th we made a Matariki animation. It was really hard for me to think how the animation should go and my teacher gave me an idea of making the stars pop up! So that’s what I did. I hope you like my animation!

My hero

For writing we did our hero it could be anyone! It could be Taylor Swift or your sister or brother! But I chose my Grandma, because of everything she has done for us.


In maths we’ve been learning about statistics and in our maths book we made a survey and asked 20 people around what their favourite game or something is we got to choose what kind of title we want it to be like “Hīnaki’s favourite food” or “Hīnaki’s favourite colour”. After we surveyed 20 people we learned how to make a digital chart, Put our maths book  statistics on a slide and on the second slide we added our digital chart.